Memoir Turned Movie

  I don’t know about you, but I would love to see brown girl dreaming come to life on the big screen. I think the fluid, lyrical story would make such a fun, educational, and inspiring movie. I’m not sure of any memoirs that have been adapted into movies but I do think it would be so awesome to see this moving story played out with real people in the form of a movie. 

Now, the question is, how would this movie be filmed? In color? Black and white? Who would play Jacqueline? How about Mama? Maria? I have a few ideas to answer the following. First of all, I think it would be really cool to see this movie filmed half black and white and half in color. I think the first half or so of the story could be in black and white and then when Jacqueline begins to find herself and her identity as a writer and an activist the movie could switch to color. For reference to the story, right around pages 226-227 where Jacqueline describes reading and going to the library, finding people like her in books, would be a cool place to make this switch.  

 If this were to become a movie, I think a perfect fit for Jacqueline’s role would be Priah Ferguson from Stranger Things. She is young and so talented and I think she could do a really great job portraying end-of-the-book Jacqueline. Maria’s character is another one I was picturing as I read through the book and I think Ariana Greenblatt would be a good fit. I did have to do some research to figure out her name but she plays one of the kids in A Bad Moms Christmas and her image and talent stuck in my mind from that movie. The last character I have cast so far in my head is Mama and I think it would be so cool if Jacqueline Woodson herself took the role of Mama in my hypothetical movie. I think this would make the movie so much more meaningful because she would be there, telling her own story in her own voice. 

What do you think, would you watch this memoir if it were turned into a movie?


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